瑞典吕勒奥理工大学Maxim Smirnov副教授学术报告通知
2024-07-25 发布:[地球物理与信息技术学院]崔秋云

    应我校陆内火山与地震教育部重点实验室谭捍东教授及谢成良副教授邀请,瑞典吕勒奥理工大学Maxim Smirnov副教授来校访问并为我校师生作学术报告。

题 目:Deposit to Regional Scale exploration in Fennoscandia

时 间:2024年7月27日上午10:00-12:00

地 点:教五楼227会议室


报告人简介:Maxim Smirnov是瑞典吕勒奥理工大学(Lule? University of Technology, LTU)应用地球物理学副教授,欧洲板块观测系统(EPOS)地球物理电磁探测主席和协调员,芬诺斯坎底亚地区矿床和区域地球物理勘探 (D-Rex) 项目负责人。他利用电磁方法对芬诺斯坎底亚区域岩石圈地电结构进行了调查,开发了处理电磁数据的新技术,并为推进最先进的三维建模的发展和应用做出了贡献。多年来,他领导了多次大规模的野外勘探,获得了大量金属矿勘探和寻找地热资源的区域尺度数据。


报告摘要:The primary objective of the D-REx project is to improve the identification of previously unrealized endowed regions. Historically, efforts to understand mineralized systems have focused on the near surface identification and evaluation of individual resource bodies using shallow imaging techniques. The D-REx is developing a new paradigm shifting approach of large scale regional exploration in full 3-D guiding targeted investigation of near surface mineral resources. This will allow large scale regional low cost exploration to identify targeted areas with high mineral resource probability.





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瑞典吕勒奥理工大学Maxim Smirnov副教授学术报告通知
2024-07-25     发布:[地球物理与信息技术学院]崔秋云    点击:179

    应我校陆内火山与地震教育部重点实验室谭捍东教授及谢成良副教授邀请,瑞典吕勒奥理工大学Maxim Smirnov副教授来校访问并为我校师生作学术报告。

题 目:Deposit to Regional Scale exploration in Fennoscandia

时 间:2024年7月27日上午10:00-12:00

地 点:教五楼227会议室


报告人简介:Maxim Smirnov是瑞典吕勒奥理工大学(Lule? University of Technology, LTU)应用地球物理学副教授,欧洲板块观测系统(EPOS)地球物理电磁探测主席和协调员,芬诺斯坎底亚地区矿床和区域地球物理勘探 (D-Rex) 项目负责人。他利用电磁方法对芬诺斯坎底亚区域岩石圈地电结构进行了调查,开发了处理电磁数据的新技术,并为推进最先进的三维建模的发展和应用做出了贡献。多年来,他领导了多次大规模的野外勘探,获得了大量金属矿勘探和寻找地热资源的区域尺度数据。


报告摘要:The primary objective of the D-REx project is to improve the identification of previously unrealized endowed regions. Historically, efforts to understand mineralized systems have focused on the near surface identification and evaluation of individual resource bodies using shallow imaging techniques. The D-REx is developing a new paradigm shifting approach of large scale regional exploration in full 3-D guiding targeted investigation of near surface mineral resources. This will allow large scale regional low cost exploration to identify targeted areas with high mineral resource probability.



