2023-09-08 发布:[地球物理与信息技术学院]崔秋云

  应我校陆内火山与地震教育部重点实验室林昌洪教授邀请,丹麦奥胡斯大学Denys Grombacher教授到我校进行学术交流,并做学术报告。


题  目:Steady-state surface nuclear magnetic resonance: Fast acquisition protocols for enhanced signal qualities

时 间:2023年9月12日(周二)9:30

地 点:教五楼227

报告人:Denys Grombacher副教授




Denys Grombacher,丹麦奥胡斯大学副教授,2010年获加拿大阿尔伯特大学学士学位,2015年获美国斯坦福大学博士学位。主要从事水文地球物理、核磁共振、电磁法探测方法与技术研究,解决近地表快速、高分辨率、可靠的地球物理成像需求。先后承担大型科研项目5项,发表学术论文56篇。


报告内容简介:Surface nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is the only method offering direct sensitivity to the presence of water at depth. But realization of this method’s potential is often hamstrung by its commonly low signal qualities – a consequence of measuring a 10-100s of nanoVolts signal in a bandwidth where noise can often drown the NMR signal. To enhance signal quality we demonstrate the potential of a novel class of pulse sequences for surface NMR, called steady-state measurements, that represent a far more efficient measurement protocol capable of significantly improved data qualities. We demonstrate that these enhancements translate to data acquisition speeds that far surpass previous approaches, and make realization of large scale mapping campaigns feasible. The benefits of the steady-state approach over traditional pulse-and-collect style measurements will be shown, along with discussion of several example field campaigns to highlight the potential of these new sequences.









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2023-09-08     发布:[地球物理与信息技术学院]崔秋云    点击:201

  应我校陆内火山与地震教育部重点实验室林昌洪教授邀请,丹麦奥胡斯大学Denys Grombacher教授到我校进行学术交流,并做学术报告。


题  目:Steady-state surface nuclear magnetic resonance: Fast acquisition protocols for enhanced signal qualities

时 间:2023年9月12日(周二)9:30

地 点:教五楼227

报告人:Denys Grombacher副教授




Denys Grombacher,丹麦奥胡斯大学副教授,2010年获加拿大阿尔伯特大学学士学位,2015年获美国斯坦福大学博士学位。主要从事水文地球物理、核磁共振、电磁法探测方法与技术研究,解决近地表快速、高分辨率、可靠的地球物理成像需求。先后承担大型科研项目5项,发表学术论文56篇。


报告内容简介:Surface nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is the only method offering direct sensitivity to the presence of water at depth. But realization of this method’s potential is often hamstrung by its commonly low signal qualities – a consequence of measuring a 10-100s of nanoVolts signal in a bandwidth where noise can often drown the NMR signal. To enhance signal quality we demonstrate the potential of a novel class of pulse sequences for surface NMR, called steady-state measurements, that represent a far more efficient measurement protocol capable of significantly improved data qualities. We demonstrate that these enhancements translate to data acquisition speeds that far surpass previous approaches, and make realization of large scale mapping campaigns feasible. The benefits of the steady-state approach over traditional pulse-and-collect style measurements will be shown, along with discussion of several example field campaigns to highlight the potential of these new sequences.






